Certification Criteria

The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology’s (ONC) Health IT Certification Program (Certification Program) is a voluntary program established by ONC to provide for the certification of health IT.  ONC establishes the Certification Program requirements as well as outcome-focused requirements known as “certification criteria” for health IT developers and Health IT Modules.  Based on these certification criteria, ONC develops a test method (to include test procedures and may include test tools (including associated test data) that is approved by the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (National Coordinator). In addition, ONC has developed a Certification Companion Guide for each criterion to provide additional clarifications to the test method. Health IT certified under the Certification Program must conform to the full scope of the product’s required capabilities, including regulatory/conformance expectation clarifications and interpretations set forth in the applicable Certification Companion Guides. 

ONC has established certification criteria under the following regulations: