Certified Health IT Complaint Process

Step 1

Contact the Developer

We recommend that customers and end-users first work with their Certified Health IT Developers to resolve any issues of potential noncompliance with certification requirements, including the Conditions and Maintenance of Certification.

Prior Certification Program experience has shown that many issues can be resolved at this step.


These are some resources that may help in looking up Certified Health IT Modules and understanding certification requirements:

Step 2

Contact the ONC-ACB

If the issue cannot be resolved at Step 1, we then recommend the customer or end-user contact the ONC-Authorized Certification Body (ONC-ACB).

You can find the ONC-ACB for a Certified Health IT Module on the CHPL by searching the listing.

The ONC-ACB will:

  • Check to see if the reported issue is applicable to one or more certified capabilities,
  • Work with the complainant and developer to get more information and may perform surveillance to determine if non-conformities exist,
  • Report findings on the CHPL if non-conformities are found, and require the developer to implement a corrective action plan, and
  • Report any information to ONC concerning potential non-conformities to the Conditions and Maintenance of Certification.

ONC-ACB Contact Emails:

Step 3

Contact the ONC

If neither of the preceding steps resolve the issue, customers and end-users may provide feedback to ONC via the Health IT Feedback and Inquiry Portal.

ONC will check to see if the Health IT Module in question is certified. If it is, we will refer the matter to the appropriate ONC-ACB at Step 2.


Health IT Feedback and Inquiry Portal

Please choose the ONC Health IT Certification category on the portal and consider including the product name and version or the certification’s CHPL ID.