ONC Standards Bulletin

The ONC Standards Bulletin is a periodically published communication for healthcare stakeholders that includes updates about ONC health IT standards initiatives. It is part of an ongoing effort to communicate, coordinate, and promote the adoption and use of interoperability standards to facilitate the access, exchange, and use of electronic health information.

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Standards Bulletin

Issue 2023-2

Standards Bulletin 2023-2 provides background into how USCDI v4 was developed and finalized. USCDI v4 continues our work to add data elements that promote equity, reduce disparities, and support public health data interoperability. It also introduces a focus on patient- and person-centered health data for care planning and medication reconciliation.

Standards Bulletin 

Issue 2023-1

The Standards Bulletin issue 2023-1 (SB23-1) describes ONC's continued expansion of USCDI, including the prioritization approach applied to USCDI v3. This issue reflects ONC's consideration of submissions for new data elements and comments on previously submitted data elements.

Standards Bulletin 

Issue 2022-2

The Standards Bulletin 2022-2 provides background into how USCDI v3 was developed and finalized. USCDI v3 focuses on factors that promote equity, reduce disparities, and support public health data interoperability.

Standards Bulletin

Issue 2022-1

The Standards Bulletin 2022-1 (SB22-1) discusses the Draft USCDI Version 3 and how the community can provide feedback.

Draft USCDI v3 will be open for public feedback until April 30, 2022.

Standards Bulletin

Issue 2021-3

The ONC Standards Bulletin 2021-3 (SB21-3) discusses the release of the United States Core Data for Interoperability Version 2 (USCDI v2), a standardized set of health data classes and constituent data elements for nationwide, interoperable health information exchange.

Standards Bulletin

Issue 2021-2

This issue focuses on health IT’s ability to capture a patient’s race and ethnicity using standardized terminology and codes included in the ONC certification criterion.

Standards Bulletin

Issue 2021-1

The inaugural ONC Standards Bulletin discusses the United States Core Data for Interoperability (USCDI) and the Standards Version Advancement Process (SVAP).