
eprescribing with NADEAN

Electronic prescriptions for controlled drugs require the prescriber's DEA number. This is included automatically with every prescription with most EHRs as the DEA number is not confidential, is assigned to the user, and the user must perform two-factor authentication. Most electronic prescriptions for buprenorphine also require an NADEAN number. The NADEAN likewise is not confidential, in fact it appears on every prescription for buprenorphine, and is only a slight modification of the DEA number. Nevertheless, some EHRs require the user to manually enter the NADEAN on every prescription for buprenorphine, not the best use of our time. Is this a regulatory requirement? Why can't the NADEAN be filled in automatically for the authenticated provider? Any information is appreciated.

NCPDP Comments

NCPDP SCRIPT Standard, Implementation Guide, Version 2017071 update Adoption Level to 5.