Engagement with Country Governments and Multi-National Organizations

ONC serves as a resource for country governments seeking digital health expertise, and we often engage with countries through bi-lateral, multi-lateral, and subject matter expert (e.g., policy, technology, standards) meetings. Similarly, ONC engages with other country governments to seek their expertise on areas where ONC is building out and enhancing our digital health efforts. ONC develops subject matter responses on topics within the digital health spectrum ranging from empowering patients to access their health data to managing patient data privacy. We also work to bring digital health agency members from other countries and territories to speak to ONC stakeholders, including at the 3rd ONC Interoperability Forum.

ONC also engages with a larger number of countries and territories through multi-national organizations. This includes multi-national organizations known for health efforts, such as the World Health Organization, and multi-national organizations recently stepping into the digital health space, such as the Group of Twenty. ONC works with our HHS counterparts to ensure that the US’ position is accurately portrayed in all of these engagements and seeks to identify best practices and projects that we can bring back to the US to strengthen the US digital health efforts.

Content last reviewed on April 28, 2020
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