Spokane County Commissioners Appoint New Board of Health Members

Spokane County Commissioners Appoint New Board of Health Members

Feb 15, 2024

Kelli Hawkins, SRHD | | 509.324.1539, c. (509) 994.8968

Spokane, Wash. – During this week’s Consent Agenda, the Spokane County Board of Commissioners (BOCC) appointed three individuals to the Spokane County Board of Health (BOH) for the Spokane Regional Health District (SRHD).

The following individuals will serve a two-year term as members of the BOH, with their BOH orientation taking place on February 29, 2024:

  1. Monica Blykowski-May, MD – Representing Public Health, Health Care Facilities and Providers
  2. Patricia Kienholz – Representing Consumers of Public Health
  3. Charlie Durañona – Representing Community Stakeholders of Public Health

Prior to recommending the three individuals to the BOCC, the BOH met on January 22, 2024, and selected four candidates to interview for the public health, health care facilities and provider category; three candidates for the consumers of public health category; and two candidates for the community stakeholder category.

On January 25, 2024, the BOH met to interview candidates and approved one candidate to be recommended to the Spokane County BOCC for each of the public health categories.

Newly appointed SRHD Administrative Officer Alicia Thompson shared that she was looking forward to working with the new BOH members and is optimistic about having all positions on the BOH filled.

“One of my goals for 2024 is to facilitate the process to have the Tribal representative, selected by the American Indian Health Commission, seated on the Board of Health,” said Thompson.

The BOH members now include:

Representing Spokane County Legislative Authority

  • Commissioner Amber Waldref
  • Commissioner Mary Kuney
  • Commissioner Josh Kerns

Representing Cities and Towns

  • City of Spokane City Councilmember Michael Cathcart

Representing Public Health, Health Care Facilities or Providers

  • Monica Blykowski-May, MD

Representing Public Health Consumers

  • Patricia Kienholz

Representing Community Stakeholders

  • Charlie Durañona

Representing Tribal Communities

  • Member has not yet been seated.

Spokane Regional Health District is a leader and partner in public health by protecting, improving and promoting the health and well-being of all people through evidence-based practices. SRHD is one of 34 local public health agencies serving Washington state’s 39 counties. Visit for comprehensive, updated information about SRHD and its triumphs in making Spokane a safer and healthier community. Like SRHD on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to receive safety and wellness tips.