Drinking Water (Private Wells)

Providing assistance to private water well owners with questions about water quality, odor, taste and contaminants.

Program Overview

Spokane Regional Health District (SRHD) has an inter-agency agreement with Washington State Department of Ecology to inspect a portion of new water wells constructed in Spokane County to assure they meet construction standards. In addition, the health district inspects all water wells that are decommissioned in Spokane County.

SRHD also conducts water adequacy reviews prior to the issuance of building permits for those projects in Spokane County that propose the use of a private water system to serve a building necessitating potable water.

Please be advised that private drinking water wells in some areas of Spokane County have been found to contain elevated levels of uranium and/or arsenic. SRHD recommends that private well owners in Spokane County have their water tested for these elements. For additional information, please visit the Washington State Department of Health or see below for additional drinking water resources.

All public water systems in Spokane County are regulated by Washington State Department of Health.

Drinking Water Resources

For more information about drinking water resources, please visit the Department of Ecology.

For more information on testing a private water source, please visit the Department of Health.

Looking for a Certified Water Sampler, view this list of samplers.

For more information about disinfection of private well, view these Disinfect Well Guidelines.

Looking for water testing in the Spokane vicinity, view these Certified Water Labs.

For more information about well water and uranium, view this fact sheet from the Department of Health.

For more information about arsenic and well water, view this fact sheet from the Department of Health.

Water Adequacy Review Documents

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