Behavioral Health Services

Opioid Treatment Program

Treatment Services offers a range of behavioral health services to individuals enrolled in the Opioid Treatment Program


In addition to medication-assisted therapy, individuals who enroll in the Opioid Treatment Program also receive access to integrated behavioral healthcare intervention, which addresses both mental health and substance use.

Program staff work in cooperation with clients, their families, advocates, community representatives, and other agencies to provide behavioral healthcare consultation, education, and referrals, when needed. These services provide an interdisciplinary approach that helps clients who are dealing with a wide range of mental health and emotional issues as they work to reduce their dependence on opioids through medication-assisted therapy.

Integrated behavioral healthcare services include assessments, evaluations, individual psychotherapy, and brief and structured group therapy. Enrolled individuals have access to a wide range of treatment modalities, including cognitive behavioral therapy, trauma-focused approaches, solution-focused therapy, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), dialectical behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, and other evidence-based treatment approaches. This makes it possible for program staff to tailor treatment strategies to individual clients’ specific needs.