Data & Reports

County Health Insights

County Health Insights gives the community information on health issues and affected populations. The information may help direct health and social interventions to areas of greatest need and build support for health policies, as well as educate the public, community organizations, and policymakers on the community’s health and well-being.

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SRHD Data Center

The SRHD Data Center and Communicable Disease Epidemiology programs publish reports and fact sheets about community health issues and track communicable diseases and many other health statistics for Spokane County. The Data Center also provides services to help community partners use data to improve health.

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Parent Help 1-2-3

Parent Help 1-2-3

Helping Washington families apply for health insurance, food assistance programs and more.

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Adverse Childhood Experiences

Adverse Childhood Experiences

Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) can be prevented. Learn more about preventing ACEs in the community.

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